Here is a funny story. We recently visited Kananga. President Headlee had over 16 interviews to do for young men and young women who wanted to serve missions. I took their pictures for their applications. We had 3 young girls in their 20’s who needed their photos. After the first one was finished the next girl wanted to borrow the first girl’s wig for the photo. Then when it was time for the 3rd girl’s picture she also wanted to borrow the same wig! …So all three girls wore the same wig for their photo. See them below without wigs/with them/and as they appeared the next day:

Let’s take a hair tour of the Congo….
Sometimes women and girls simply have no hair at all. These beautiful African women can get away with that!
[caption id="attachment_297" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="(No hair, no bugs!)"]
Many many women wear a fabric headpiece to match their dress....
A scarf can be a fashion statement....or not!
I have seen some pretty creative hair nets....perhaps a style we could bring to the States...!
Women here spend a lot of time getting their hair done. Braiding is a fine art. And sometimes not! Braids can be close to the head...
...or reaching out to outer space!
Sometimes hair extensions can help add bulk and length..
Everyone has their own style...and here the styles are endless! No two are ever alike...unless they want to be...
It is interesting to see that even little baby girls have hair extensions. They also put lots of colorful beads and trinkets in their hair.
[caption id="attachment_316" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Never too young!"]
[caption id="attachment_335" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Young women in Kananga"]

Have a great hair day!