Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Arrival

So I finally caved, and we got a puppy. Adam is in love, and so is the puppy. All he (puppy) wants is attention and love. Adam is happy to give him more and more!
His name is Mozart (he came with the name, but it was a sign that he was the right dog for us), and he's half maltese, half chihuahua.

This photo is just to give you an idea of how small he is.


Las Vegas Hulet Family said...

Really cute dog! How big is he supposed to get? How big were his folks? I still think you should have gone for the girl, but I'm a sexist when it comes to dogs. Keep the posts coming on your "dog whispering" and how the training is coming along!

kim dance said...

he is so cute! Oh my gosh! Good luck with that...I've never had to deal with a dog.

grandma said...

He really is cute, Em. Glad Adam is so good with him. I like small dogs the best. Glad you posted a photo of him. GRAM

Andrea said...

Emily - can I have access to your other blog?