Sunday, June 28, 2009


Where in the world is the Congo?WOW!  The MTC was an amazing experience!  We arrived on Wednesday and were processed with medical information, photos, travel itineraries and lots of welcomes.

Thursday we started our 3 1/2 day course in how to be a mission president. We had a talk by President Eyring to start and then had a mix of break out sessions and combined lectures. There were 108 new mission presidents in attendance. The meals were exceptional and the staff was very helpful in every way. We feasted on the words of the general authorities, having heard from all of the presidency and most of the Quorum of the Twelve.  They all were in attendance at one time or other.

On Sunday our sessions were concluded and our sacrament meeting speaker was President Monson with all the members of the 12 there except Elder Packer. We had many dear friends also in attendance so after lunch we said our goodbyes and headed back to Mike's mother's home. We had a family gathering and we finalized our packing. We loaded our 10 seventy-lb suitcases into the car and tried to get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow the adventure would begin...!

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