Sunday, August 9, 2009

Camp Luca Baptism

Camp Luca Baptism Aug 09_small

A new area was opened about 8 weeks ago in one of our Kinshasa stakes. The existing ward was too large and the boundaries so vast that many of the members had difficulty getting transport to the chapel. At the suggestion of the stake president and concurrence of the local bishop, a small branch began to meet in the great room of our missionaries' residence. Their repeated requests for chairs caught my attention. Now, some 6 weeks later there are over 120 people meeting under the direction of the local ward. The four missionaries have had 68 baptisms in the first 6 weeks of their new assignment. I attended this baptism on August 9 where 25 souls were received into the fold. Here is their photo.

1 comment:

busy do Niemiec said...

I was bored until i've found your site, interesting articles