Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A visit to St. Joseph's Hospital

Dr. Ngoie

The Moody's took me to St. Joseph's Hospital where I met Dr. Ngoie. He is a local OB doctor who has learn neonatal infant resuscitation through the Church's humanitarian program.It teaches doctors and nurses how to save infants lives as they are being born. (Through the proper techniques of clearing out the mucas in their throats, etc.) Dr. Ngoie has in turn taught this technique throughout the DRC and has reported back that literally thousands of babies have been saved that would have previously been considered dead.

Baby saved by NIR

This baby was resuscitated minutes before we toured this facility.

One minute old

This baby was a minute being weighed as 7 of us parade through the delivery room. They offered to have us watch the delivery if we had wanted to!


This autoclave unit was repaired by our own Elder Moon and they now are able to sterilize their instruments. (That is a very good thing to do in a hospital! What did they do before it was repaired????)

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